
Reasonable Yakiniku(BBQ) restaurant in Shibuya

Where do you imagine places when it comes to saying Tokyo? You might think about Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, and Asakusa. Those are one of famous also popular places. But there are some nice places not only those places but also others. Shibuya i…

The best teppanyaki restaurant in Ikebukuro

Teppanyaki is a word used to describe how a particular dish was prepared. The word teppanyaki directly translates to “grilling on an iron plate. You’ll commonly see steak, seafood, and even fried noodles cooked on teppanyaki. This is Japan…

Babble Tea around Ikebukuro station.

Looking for good Tapioca? Tapioca drink is from Taiwan, it's the latest trend around the world. Here in Japan, it is also high trend that has been coming lately. It's worth a try definitely! RACCOON CAFE chatime TIGER KNIGHT comma tea Suic…

Good taste and atmosphere Sushi restaurant Tokyo Ikebukuro

What to do eat in Japan? I'm sure that the most popular food is Sushi. Sushi included some good ingredients that can't get in other food. You don't become visiting Japan if you don't eat real Sushi in Japan. There is a lot of Sushi restaur…

Find your sake restaurant in Ikebukuro !

Have you ever tried Sake? Sake is one of traditional alchole drink in Japan which same as Wine in France. There are some ingredients such as rice, sweet potato, wheat, and so on. It's different taste and species depends on the country in J…